Friday, February 10, 2012

The How Come of Life

It would be wonderful to have some feedback about the notion I'm posting below.  I'm not owning this, but rather "tossing it out there" to see how this fits with the spiritual sensibilities of my friends.  Send me a response in an email, some social media or another, or a comment.  Thanks!
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The great “How Come” of life is found in Jesus Christ. 

Throughout the centuries, believers have considered the cross of Christ and discovered a peace that passes understanding.  Our search for meaning in life will pass through suffering and one day we all confront our mortality.  So when a believer cries out, “how come?” it is in the "folly of the cross" that we find the wisdom of God. 

How has God come into the world?  Humbly.  Within both the essence and action of God in Jesus Christ there rests a meaning that speaks to our deepest questions about life.

How shall we come before God and others in this life?  Humbly.  Jesus humbly washed the feet of his disciples and instructed them to do the same out of love for one another.  Indeed, only through his way, his truth, and his life shall we come into the gift of eternal life. 

  • In Jesus Christ, God speaks to our deep “how come?” 
  • "In Jesus Christ" is the how God has come into the world. 
  • In humility Jesus us taught us how to come into the presence of God and the people we encounter every day.

 © Brian R. Paulson, 2012