I'm not sure this softened tone suggested to the church by the General Assembly of the PCUSA will generate greater discipleship:
The 219th General Assembly (2010) of the PCUSA approved the following:
1. That the approach to the Lord’s Table always be gracious and invitational, not scrutinizing membership credentials, but extending Christ’s welcome to the people of God.
2. That the invitation to the Lord’s Supper be gracious and hospitable, remembering that “access to the Table is not a right conferred upon the worthy, but a privilege given to the undeserving who come in faith, repentance, and love” (W-2.4011).
3. That congregations renew the practice of the invitation to discipleship—a call to baptism and to the reaffirmation of baptismal commitment—particularly after the proclamation of the Word.
4. That not yet baptized persons who present themselves at the Lord’s Table be warmly received and promptly invited into conversation on the significance of the sacraments, in order that their hunger for spiritual nourishment might be met by a gracious invitation to Christ and to Christian life through baptismal discipleship.